White Paper

Transformative AI & ML - Accelerating and De-risking the Pace of Transformation with SAP in Retail

Written by Admin | Jul 10, 2024 11:09:44 AM


The recent introduction of user interfacing artificial intelligence is the key to a paradigm shift from Reactive to Predictive modeling and it’s now possible. Discover how AI and ML technologies are revolutionizing business operations by shifting from reactive to predictive modeling. This case study explores the transformative potential of SAP’s AI and ML solutions in driving innovation, optimizing processes, and enhancing customer value. Learn how companies can leverage these technologies to stay ahead of market disruptions and achieve sustainable growth.

The case for Transformative AI:


In pursuing growth and success, companies constantly search for ways to improve operations, manage change, pare expenses, and deliver value to their customers. Companies clearly realize their customers would quickly change vendors and brands to those delivering increased value for their money. Over the last few decades, we have only seen both B2B and B2C customer’s expectations incrementally grow. In response Companies have worked to provide greater customer touch points and responsiveness through data streaming, seamless integration, and self-service capabilities.

These technical strategies have been instrumental in providing near real-time insights for analysis but remain reactive rather than predictive. By the time these companies realize what is happening it may be too late. The recent Bud Light experience is an example of a Company not understanding it’s customer. additionally countless companies many times miss the opportunity to leapfrog their competition. At other times they don’t become aware of a market disruption by newer, nimbler firms before it’s too late. Here you can see the example of Sears vs Amazon. Sears had market dominance through their catalogs but ignored digital’s emergence allowing Amazon to quickly offer more personal, simpler and consistent service and products.

These new companies have tapped into the white space gap of established firms. Only then learn the costliness of an eroding market leading to obsolescence. At Coforge we have solutions that will drive innovation and optimize your organization without the risks usually associated with market experimentation. use of SAP’s Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Process Modeling. Our solution focuses on Revenue Generation not just cost avoidance. We look at internal and external leading indicators that reveal future market patterns.

To drive predictive, transformative, and disruptive modeling capabilities we must change how and who drives business innovation. For years we have been talking about how Technology spearheading initiatives must change business. Changes have been made; the introduction of Product Owners has certainly played a key role ensuring alignment between a business ask the technology delivered. What has not changed is the reactive response to change which continues to be based on backwards looking analysis. With the aid of AI, LM and BPM we can now change to predictive modeling leveraging the real-time architectures we have invested so much in.

Operational Digital Twin:


  • Our focus on BTP’s Signavio and LeanIX toolset can extend beyond the common use for S4/HANA Migrations, As a LeanIX and Signavio partner even prior to SAP’s acquisition, we created our The Enterprise Strategy Platform, (ESP). Post the acquisition we have now fine-tuned this framework specifically to SAP by leveraging the entire BTP platform.

The ESP framework can provide near real-time transparency from the technology layer through the operational components that run an organization allowing scenario design and testing that can reliably predict change outcomes and enabling an agile enterprise. In the last few years, the SAP acquisition of Signavio and more recently LeanIX has proven us correct and lends credence to what we feel is an evolving paradigm shift that will be largely adopted by companies looking to disrupt their industry with new and innovative capabilities and products. This shift will also affect how we execute strategy by refocusing innovation from Technology to an Operations lens.

This new paradigm, we call the Process Led Enterprise (PLE) places operations at the driver’s seat of proactive innovation rather than the traditional reactive model we’ve lived with for decades. The addition of Low Code/No Code, Copilots (Joule) and AI capabilities contained in SAP’s BTP platform arm the Citizen developer and Thought Worker with the tools needed to evolve their role in the Process Led Enterprise.

This is a shift that has already started and like other paradigm shifts will determine an organization’s ability to leap ahead of competitors and successfully confront market challenges. For this shift to succeed requires an organization’s ability to converge Process Intelligence, Automation, AI, and Near Real-time predictive analysis. Understanding and maintaining your corporate operational model is at the heart of this convergence. Tools and methods are only now empowering stakeholders and leaders with the information and confidence to quantifiably increase market share, improve productivity while eliminating waste and reducing risk.

This convergence stands the traditional reactive nature of legacy operating models on their head, by providing the transparency and controls needed to empower a new predictive operating model to be shifted from just knowing what happened to forecasting and predicting the unexpected and its outcomes.

Coforge believes that clients can hit an inflection point while doing transformation projects. The migration or Adoption of S4 is such an inflection point. Below is an image of how we can help our clients lay the foundation for this paradigm shift while minimizing internal disruptions.