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Tackling the Chaos: Transforming Asylum Accommodation Support

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A leading client in the asylum support sector struggled with disjointed processes, missed tasks, and inefficiency. Scaling was unachievable until they implemented AASC, transforming property and incident management through automation, seamless integration, and centralized operations.


Before: A maze of manual, mismatched processes. Missed work, unscheduled inspections, and chaos reigned across sites and units. Scaling was a distant dream.


Enter AASC: From onboarding asylum seekers to managing properties and beyond – a complete overhaul. Property maintenance, transport and journey tracking, rental payments, and incident management are all under one roof. Seamless integration and user customization.

The impact.

After: A world where automation does heavy lifting. Mobile-friendly, intuitive, and with a dashboard that dazzles. Scaling isn’t just possible; it’s effortless. Integration is achieved with tools like Kirona, Google Maps, and more; centralizing of tasks and data completes the transformation.

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