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Replacement of Legacy System with Improved Case Management Solution

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The client is a non-ministerial department of the UK Government responsible for the collection of taxes.


  • The legacy system of 40 applications causes multiple issues.
  • The existing system has to be made more efficient for case workers/managers/traders to ensure maximum revenue for HMRC.
  • Complete digitization of the application is required for greater efficiency and better validation.
  • HMRC needs to have a strong case management application.


Coforge developed a new case management solution to handle post clearance customs payment reconciliation process which replaces the legacy system with a more user-friendly app. This solution emphasized on the following aspects:

  • Integration with multiple platforms including Customs Registrations, Customs Declarations, Payment System and Tax Management Platforms.
  • Generating and sending demand notices, customer correspondence.
  • Calculating, Tracking and Updating customs debt and reporting to tax management platform.

The impact.

  • Reduced operational costs.
  • Less TAT, Scalable to handle post Brexit volumes.
  • Seamless integration.

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