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The client is a consortium of three major charities based in the United Kingdom and is committed to helping, encouraging and inspiring the needy. They provide support, run funding programs and participate in research work to improve people's lives. 


All three charities had common infrastructure and users used to face the impact in case of any unwanted incident. The client was heavily dependent on IT in terms of fund-raising events, volunteering databases and providing quality service to its end-users / beneficiaries. With the legacy IT infrastructure, the client began to face critical issues such as:

  • A sub-optimal shared services function
  • Poor user experience
  • Inability to leverage newer platforms and technologies
  • Consumption based delivery of IT services
  • Client waned to have independent infrastructure setup for all the three charities and bring transformation for the Technology Debt.


With a view to helping the client with a robust IT infrastructure and optimizing their operations, Coforge has undertaken a seamless transformation of the client's infrastructure and delivered more value in record time. Based on project requirements, the Coforge’s team assessed the existing ready-to-use infrastructure and proposed an appropriate client solution to deliver scalability and reliability & reduce Technology Debt through its cloud capabilities and expertise.

Not only did we help the client get rid of its aging and end-of-life infrastructure, but we also completely exited the Datacenter and moved the entire set up to the cloud. Post design approval from the client, the Coforge’s team deployed a solution to support 5,700 end-users spread across three different Charities in the UK, London.

The cloud environment was segregated for three charities post migration with no dependencies on each other with pay as you go model.

The impact.

Coforge completed the migration in record time and delivered excellent results to client which resulted in timely exit from data center and saving the cost of running on premises stack. Our value-add approach in providing the cost-effective and efficient solution was in-line with the industry best practices. The migration began with agile methodology and its sprint structures which were established during the discovery and assessment phase. After migration, the post controls were established again. The optimization for cost and efficiency was concluded with great savings.

  • Business continuity is enhanced by using highly available architecture, increasing system and application availability to 99.7%.
  • The System is scalable to meet future growth and system provisioning is quick (Less than 15 minutes) – with cloud infrastructure scale up /down being instant. New or temporary staff can be provided with a virtual desktop within minutes.
  • Shift in financial model from Capex to Opex, Flexi licenses and pay per use model resulted in better control over cost. Instead of being a high, fixed cost, the IT costs are now in-line with business activities and reduced by 18%.
  • Being a cloud model, the technology refresh / adoption to new technology is simpler and instant.

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Let’s Coforge your next success story.

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