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Migration to the Cloud

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An aging, increasingly expensive, and non-compliant Self-Service Kiosks (SSKs) impeded the client’s self-service delivery for their customers. 


The client faced:

  • A less than desirable boarding pass issuance success rate of 60% 
  • A low rate of passenger self-service eligibility for check-in
  • A lengthy time to market release cycle of 6 months
  • Rising hardware & software operating costs and development timelines 


Coforge set-up a 3-phased Departure Touchpoint Program – A microservices-enabled modular approach to delivering self-service offerings:

Phase 1 - Implementing a Single-Page Application delivered via a self-service touch-screen kiosk Phase 2 - Implementing self-service rebooking, seat maps, and bag tag issuance Phase 3 - Implementation of an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant application with support of 12 languages

Solution Features Coforge delivered several new functionalities including Rebooking flow Increased self-service capabilities including visa scan, disruption handling, and Seat selection Check-in capability for group passengers Integration with Payments for enabling ancillary sales to be implemented by end of this year gile based Parallel Workstreams : A to deliver microservices and the user interface in 4 months. Improved time to market and greater agility moving from 2 releases over 12 months to 6 major releases and 10 enhancement releases over 15 months leveraging integrated DevOps.

Technology: Application consists of Web front end developed using Angular JS running on Amazon AWS platform, and back-end micro services which acts as interface with Amadeus and other systems like Timatic

Highlights: The application was successfully certified by 5 CUSS vendors (SITA, Collins, Materna, ICM, Embross) and Application rolled out to over 65 airports worldwide

The impact.

The kiosk platform rolled out across 65 airports is serving more than 10,000 passengers every week with improved performance and more than 97% success rate of transactions. Built on a robust cloud based microservices architecture, the application availability and resilience increased to 99.8%.

90% increase in Boarding pass issuance

70% reduction in check-in time

50% savings in Infrastructure cost due to cloud & IT automation

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