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Vision AI is built to extract data and deliver valuable insights from both videos and images. Its remarkable capacity for massive parallel storage and computing enables seamless handling of extensive collections of videos and images, catering to highly concurrent workloads.

The versatile capabilities of Vision AI are applicable to a variety of use cases, including object detection, facial analytics, video intelligence, activity recognition, and many others. By leveraging this technology, businesses can gain valuable information and make informed decisions from the visual data at their disposal.

Its modular and service-oriented architecture allows for swift development of new business applications by assembling components.


Industry Applications

Using Face Recognition for a KYC process
Using Face Recognition for a KYC process

Vision AI tools are harnessed for precise face detection and recognition. Leveraging public datasets and proprietary images, the model identifies individuals of interest. Integrated into video streams, it efficiently scans vast image repositories, enhancing security through centralized deployment and thorough scrutiny of stored suspicious image data.

Analyzing events during aircraft turnaround
Analyzing events during aircraft turnaround

Automated aircraft turnaround event capture includes tasks like cargo door operations, bridge connections, and more. The model accurately timestamps each event, enhancing operational tracking and efficiency in aviation processes.

Measuring wood logs for supply chain
Measuring wood logs for supply chain

Manual wood log counting, and surface diameter measurement is laborious, time-consuming, and prone to errors. Our innovative deep learning model efficiently detects and counts wood logs of diverse sizes, eliminating manual effort and enhancing accuracy.

Identifying products on a shelf for a retail store
Identifying products on a shelf for a retail store

An AI solution streamlines retail inventory management by employing a deep learning model trained to identify diverse products on shelves. This technology enhances efficiency and accuracy, automating the process of checking and tracking inventory in retail environments.

Intelligent home inspection using AI-enabled Smart Glass
Intelligent home inspection using AI-enabled Smart Glass

Coforge introduced an intelligent approach to inspections through Smart Glass and an Android App. Utilizing Smart Glass, inspectors can assess homes while an AI engine automatically identifies cracks and damages on walls and roofs, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of the home inspection process.

Facial recognition based attendance marking system


Facial recognition based attendance marking system
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Computer Vision solutions across domains


Computer Vision solutions across domains
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Information extraction from scanned manufacturing diagrams using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)


Information extraction from scanned manufacturing diagrams using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
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