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7 steps to Predictive Analytics

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Keeping abreast of new developments in Business Intelligence is critical for allowing companies to stay ahead of competition. The latest approach to BI is predictive analytics. Predictive Analytics enables organisations to forecast future events, analyse risks and opportunities, and automate decision making processes by analysing historic data.

Predictive analytics can be applied in many different areas of a business from fraud detection and cyber security, through to credit risk, operations, and target marketing.

Predictive analytics has a step by step process in order to achieve accurate outcomes and valid predictions. 

If you would like to find out more about how Predictive Analytics could help you become more agile and more competitive, do give us a call at +44 (0)203 475 7980 or email us at Salesforce@coforge.com

Other useful links:

How will Artificial Intelligence change the banking industry

Next Generation User and Entity Behaviour Analytics

Machine Learning for Competitive Intelligence in Retail

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