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Anypoint Platform Identity Management - OKTA

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MuleSoft Anypoin Platform™ supports identity management using external identity providers like OKTA, PingFederate and OpenAM.

This post will elaborate on the manual registration process of Identity Management on Anypoint Platform using OKTA.

To do the Manual Registration, one should have:

1. Access permissions to create an application in OKTA

2. Organisational administration permissions in Anypoint Platform.

Steps to create an application in OKTA

There are several types of client applications that you can create in OKTA. Choose the one supported by the client application. MuleSoft supports both OpenID Connect and SAML authentication.

Step 1: Once you log-in to OKTA, go to the applications section, click on Add Applications and choose OpenID Connect as the Sign on method.

Anypoint Platform Identity Management - OKTA

Step 2: Once you click on Create, specify the application name and the redirect URI and save the configuration.

Anypoint Platform Identity Management - OKTA

Note: The Redirect URI can be found in the Anypoint Platform Identity Management page. Usually, it looks like

Step 3: Once the application is saved, OKTA generates the Client ID and Client Secret for the newly created application.

Anypoint Platform Identity Management - OKTA

Steps to configure the External Identity Management in Anypoint Platform

Step 1: Go to the Access Management > External Identity section and select OpenID Connect as the Identity Management option.

Step 2: Choose the Manual Registration option and provide the Client ID and Client Secret (generated by OKTA).

Anypoint Platform Identity Management - OKTA

Step 3: Also, provide the authorization URL, Token URL, User Info URL and click Save to save the configuration.

Step 4: That’s it!!!!

How to Test

To test the sign on method in Anypoint Platform, on the browser paste the following URL:

It will be redirected to the Identity Provider’s login page instead of the Anypoint Platform login page.

Anypoint Platform Identity Management - OKTA

You will be redirected to Anypoint Platform’s home page after you successfully sign in.

Anypoint Platform Identity Management - OKTA

Please note, the Role Management has to be configured manually in the Anypoint Platform for the OKTA users.

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