Coforge | Case Studies | Success Stories

Streamline Cloud Operations and FinOPs

Written by Admin | Jan 26, 2022 6:30:00 PM

The Client

UK-based group of Charities

Business Challenges

Customer’s monthly spends on Cloud resources was significantly higher than what was budgeted. Customer approached Coforge team to optimize Cloud TCO & Operations

The Solution

Coforge implemented the Cloud Operations Model to setup Governance, Processes and reporting mechanism ensuring controls around Cloud resource deployment and cost. Monitoring and alerts were configured to address the operational issues in a timely and efficient manner. Cloud Operations Continuous reviews on Cloud environment were performed providing recommendations to optimize the cost by right-sizing the VM instances, Storage Disk optimizations, converting the PAYG VMs to Reserved Instances, implementing Automation run-books to power-off and power-on the non-production VMs at a defined schedule

Delivering Value / Benefits to Client

Coforge's Solution helped the customer to achieve significant business value at multiple levels.

  • Approx. 45% reduction in the monthly Cloud Consumption.
  • 24*7 operating Cloud Operation team and effective service management processes improved the availability of the application further contributing to smoother Business Operations.
  • Coforge’s Cloud Governance provided better Cost control, reduced risks and visibility to operational performance.