Coforge | Case Studies | Success Stories

Nationwide Real Estate Tax and Municipal Lien Searches in U.S. conducted in 3 months

Written by BPS | Jul 21, 2023 12:49:44 PM

The Client

A Largest Commercial Mortgage Servicer


  • More than 9000 orders requires tight timelines of 3 months for Taxes, MLS, water and Sewer searches
  • High volume, short time ramp-up would mean high cost for the client

Solution & Execution

  • Implemented onshore and offshore hybrid model to provide cost effective solution
  • Setup search production plan ensuring searches are done in parallel and high TAT searches are completed before the timeline
  • Cross trained resources to provide support in the short run
  • Pre and post production QC in place to ensure quality

Value Delivered

  • Project Cost savings of USD 50,000 by providing competitive pricing
  • All searches completed and delivered two weeks prior to deadline
  • Zero claim item identified in the searches conducted
  • Quality scores maintained > 99.5%