Coforge | Case Studies | Success Stories

Modernization of Global Coffee Chain Service Delivery with Unified Service Desk & Self-Service Solutions

Written by Admin | Jun 18, 2024 12:26:31 PM


An international coffee chain was drowning in a sea of fragmented service delivery woes. Challenges like regional silos and limited support options were holding them back. Coforge swooped in with a unified service desk model, cutting-edge tech, and empowering self-service options.

The Challenge

  • Fragmented service delivery model: They were dealing with regional silos and disconnected operations across countries.
  • Limited support availability: Users were facing delays due to minimal support options and availability.
  • Disconnected ITSM systems: With systems not talking to each other, visibility into requests was practically non-existent.
  • Minimal self-service options: Users lacked the tools to resolve issues independently, leading to frustration and inefficiencies.
  • Suboptimal device management: The reliance on traditional support approaches resulted in poor endpoint visibility and management.

Coforge Solution

Let's break down how we tackled this challenge head-on and transform the game for our client. We didn't just stick a Band-Aid to the problem; we went all in with a comprehensive solution that revolutionized their service delivery model.

  • Implemented Centralized Global Service Desk Model:
    We waved goodbye to regional silos and brought everyone together under one roof with a centralized global service desk model. It was all about unity and consistency in support delivery across the board.
  • Harnessed Augmented Reality-Based Support:
    With tools like Coforge RemoteAssyst and Coforge BinoculAR, we introduced augmented reality-based support, bringing the future of assistance to the here and now.
  • Deployed Self-Service Options:
    Users wanted control, and we gave it to them. Through AI-powered Virtual Assistant, Coforge Amyra, we launched self-service options, allowing users to tackle issues independently, anytime, anywhere.
  • Provided Omnichannel Access:
    We met users on their terms by introducing omnichannel capabilities like chat and call-back scheduling with Coforge Click.IT. Whether they preferred to chat or talk, we made sure they had seamless access to support.
  • Streamlined Field Services and Endpoint Management:
    Field services got a turbo boost with augmented reality, enabling faster remote issue resolution. And to top it off, we implemented a centralized Endpoint Management system, combining SCCM and Intune for better visibility and control.


With our unified service desk in place, things got way smoother. We slashed the time it takes to handle issues (AHT) and bumped up our First Contact Fix (FTF) rates big time. Plus, our Organizational Change Management and Major Incident Management strategies really brought everything together, making sure our users were getting consistent and top-notch support.

Efficiency Enhancements:
Our Average Handle Time (AHT) dropped significantly, meaning we're handling stuff faster and getting users back on track in no time. And those First Contact Fix (FTF) rates? Through the roof – shows we're hitting the nail on the head right from the start.

Transformed User Experience:
We totally revamped how their users interact with the client. Self-service options, call-back services, virtual assistants – you name it, we've got it. It's all about putting the power back in the users' hands, giving them easier and more interactive ways to get the support they need.

Sorted Endpoint Management and Field Services Optimization:
Standardized installations, top-notch maintenance – we've got it all covered. And with augmented field support, we were able to tackle on-site issues like pros, keeping our users happy and our operations running smoothly.

Successful Onboarding and Coordination:
Bringing in all those tools – ITSM ServiceNow, Avaya, you name it – and coordinating with 24 IT suppliers? Piece of cake. It was all about seamlessly integrating everything and making sure everyone's on the same page. And guess what, it's paying off big time.