Coforge | Case Studies | Success Stories

Digital Transformation of Approval Process using Pega case management

Written by Admin | Jan 11, 2023 7:03:11 AM

Key Challenges

  • High turnaround time for application response leading to customer dissatisfaction
  • Heavy reliance on manual & paper intensive processes
  • Significant limitations around systems flexibility, integration and scalability
  • Incomplete view for the application and related data artifacts.
  • Lack of transparency.
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Agile delivery with 20+ business teams involved
  • Multiple un-integrated systems.

Coforge along with Pega Systems, built a solution using Case Management to

  • Log and track concurrence and referral cases between government agencies and councils
  • Initiation and completion of payment by DPE and applicant respectively
  • Dashboard enabling users track and filter on their cases (current and historical)
  • Mechanism for participants to request additional information and respond on the same
  • Workload management by council and agency users
  • Interactive document management
  • Ability of the council / applicant to request for Secretary’s Intervention in certain scenarios

Business Benefits

  • Automated case creation – A 100% improvement on the existing highly manual process of using emails and paper mailSolution for Intelligent data processing capabilities including automated case processing and rule-based processing
  • 100% improvement in assessment time for Sutherland Council where all applications are online (106 to 53 days)
  • Reduced complexity - A single point of contact (DA application) enables the applicant user to manage all digital interactions with the Planning system for development applications
  • Delivered savings of $1.4M through the re-use of existing features
  • 2 times faster case assessment with a reduction from 106 days to 53 days