Coforge | Case Studies | Success Stories

We help a leading lender focus on social media risks & compliance

Written by Admin | Oct 11, 2022 7:18:21 AM

The Client

A leading lender in U.S.


  • Challenges faced by the lender
  • Less Turn Around Time & resources to monitor the Originator’s Social Media Usage.
  • Rising Cost & Risk of Non Compliance.
  • Civil penalties for violating consumer protection laws are as high as $1.09 Million per day (UDAAP -CFPB)
  • Reputation Risk.  


  • Systematic examination & audit of social media profiles & digital footprint of employees that represent their company on social media platforms. Especially loan officers who are using social media and online marketing to generate client leads.
  • Audit trail of compliance reviews, Narrative explanations for violations or exceptions
  • Analysis of the social chatter about the organization from customers while also providing sentiment analysis.


  • Performed current state analysis on the perception of data quality and its varied impacts
  • Mapped sigma thresholds against existing metrics
  • Defined a framework for assessment, monitoring and reporting based on IQINT standards
  • Implemented a single version of reporting structure and standards

Value Delivered

  • Compliance:
    • Help develop a clear understanding by WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY & WHERE Social Media violations transpire
    • Help establish social media governance
    • Help Identify unauthorized profiles, Dispose unnecessary profiles
  • Social media activity:
    • Monitor & Manage Brand Awareness & Image
    • Examine the interaction between viewers and posted content
  • Analytics:
    • Branch/ Demographic-wise trend analysis, identify influencers, emotion detection, improve campaign performance
    • Analysis can help gather competitive intelligence