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30% increase in efficiency & in quality for mortgage appraisal management

The Client

Nationwide appraisal management company


  • Needed quick ramp up of 50+ FTEs within 6 weeks
  • Coforge had to build process and industry expertise in appraisal management services


  • Coforge hired a seasoned Subject Matter Expert and experienced resources to jump start the team
  • Training module created for the Mortgage Cycle and appraisal management overview
  • Quick Reference Guides were created for the team


  • One on One “on the job” training sessions conducted
  • Only certified resources were allowed independent live production work
  • Evaluation of resources and up-skilling at regular intervals

Value Delivered

  • Increased quality and efficiency
    • Quality improved from 68% at client location to 96% at Coforge
    • Efficiency increased from 65% to 98% for the order entry team
    • SLA targets were met in 5 weeks against a baseline of 6 weeks
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